Introduce a new offering to be more competitive in today’s market.
“Begin somewhere; you cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do.”
—Liz Smith
In an industry where disruption is the norm, going to market with a new offering is more common than ever. Whether you’re trying to move upstream to engage more strategically with clients or planting a flag in a new area of delivery, there are important steps to take in order to set yourself up for success.
In order to stand out to clients, creative services company leaders need to better understand what they distinctly and expertly do that nobody else does and turn that into well-crafted positioning. We clearly identify a potent differentiator for businesses to use and leverage in strategic go-to-market efforts.
The process of introducing a new offering and building your reputation in a new space requires focused leadership attention, proactive efforts to transform the pipeline, and deep organizational work. We can help you get sharp with focused practices that do the proper due diligence to ensure enough of the variables are in your favor, create an action plan to stabilize your core business while you prototype and develop your new offering—all to go after new business in ways that establish your credibility.
Define a competitive new offering
Connect your offering to the market
Create a pipeline of new business
Shape the team to enable new capabilities
Influence other stakeholders
Support your core work while you shift
Prototype and evolve the new offering
Establish new practices for delivery
Diagnose and address problems
Approaches and actions to take.
Assessment of key needs and challenges to solve
Approaches to piloting and scaling
Action plan with detailed tactics and order of operations
Framework for standing up a new offering.
Strategic approaches to shifting positioning
Scripts for internal alignment and external pitching
A step-by-step guide to iterating effectively
Personalized guidance & support.
Presentations of strategic frameworks and action plans
Work sessions and coaching sessions for ongoing support
Between-session email support, with references and resources
An an integrated brand experience agency based in Portland, Oregon.
Years of execution in a sweet-spot of brand delivery had stagnated the project and client opportunities for this 23-year-old independent studio. After catalyzing visionary strategic business planning with the founder, we outlined the approach to determine opportunities for new offerings and detailed the plan to build it.
Don’t scale in size while growing a new offering
Growth efforts should distinguish and prioritize between growing a new capability or increasing agency size. To establish a new offering, the team needs space to log wins and understand learnings. Don’t put the pressure of scale on a new offering before it’s good and ready.
Get in Touch
Reach out to learn more about working with us, pricing, and how to get started